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Finding your way around the budget register
Finding your way around the budget register

Learn all about the strange colors and lines in the budget section and how to customize the interface!

Iliya Yordanov avatar
Written by Iliya Yordanov
Updated over 4 years ago

Once you create a budget (be it expense or income) and some transactions, you might be wondering how exactly does the budget register work (where your transactions are displayed). This guide aims to clarify this!

If you don't see the transactions you were expecting to see, please see this guide.

Reading the budget list

Once you have created some budgets and budget groups, the list of budgets might begin to look quite colorful:

Remember that the colors applied can be adjusted: just edit the budget or budget group. And just like with accounts, just click on a budget group to collapse it!

Notice that each budget and budget group features a progress bar, allowing you to quickly estimate how much of the budget has been spent/saved. The white vertical lines inside the progress bar represent budget period: if your budget is repeating monthly and it's the middle of the month today, you'll see the white vertical line placed in the middle of the progress bar. This way you know that your budget period will end soon if the line is nearing towards the right edge.

The amount on the left shows your current spending in a budget or the group, while the amount on the right shows budgeted amount.

Customizing budget register view

If you go inside one of the budgets, at the top you'll see the budget name and two indicators that you can customize. Just click on them to select what they should show. For expense budgets you can choose from:

  • Budgeted - how much money has been assigned to this budget in the current budget period.

  • Used - how much of the above money has been already spent.

  • Remaining - how much of Budgeted money is still remaining to spend.

  • Days left - how much longer (in days) until the budget renews.

  • Daily Allowance - how much can you spend daily in order not to exceed your budget allowance for this period.

For income budgets (goals), you can choose from:

  • Budgeted - how much money has been assigned to this budget in the current budget period.

  • Saved - how much of the above money has been already saved.

  • Remaining - how much of Budgeted money is still remaining to save.

  • Days left - how much longer (in days) until the budget renews.

  • Daily goal - how much you need to save daily in order to achieve your budget allowance for this period.

Budget registers, just like accounts, can be filtered. Click on the filters button inside the search bar and select which transaction status filter to apply. You can read more here.

Navigating the budget history

If your budget is repeating, you can easily navigate through different budget periods. Simply enter your budget and find two arrows (< and >) separated by a date indicator. By clicking on the arrows you can quickly switch by subsequent budget periods. While doing so, notice that MoneyWiz changes which transactions are visible in the register and also updates the budget indicators explained above. You can also quickly switch to a particular budget period by clicking on the date indicator and selecting it from the list: it's ordered from most recent on top to oldest at the bottom.

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