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How do I extract a macOS Time Machine backup?
How do I extract a macOS Time Machine backup?

Apple's Time Machine feature has saved many critical situations. Learn how to use it to restore MoneyWiz data!

Iliya Yordanov avatar
Written by Iliya Yordanov
Updated over a year ago

Extracting an earlier database file from your Time Machine backup could prove to be a real time-saver when it comes to fixing damaged data.

This Apple document contains great information about how to use Time Machine on your Mac. Reading this article should allow you to restore the file you want - the only remaining thing to discuss is what file you need to restore and how to access it.

This question is answered in this article (if you are using MoneyWiz 2024) or this article (if you are using MoneyWiz 2/3) were we reveal where MoneyWiz database files are located and what they consist of. Simply follow one of above linked articles to open MoneyWiz database folder and then come back to Apple's document to learn how to restore a previous version of that folder from Time Machine.

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