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Working with table view

Row and column-based layout for when things get serious.

Iliya Yordanov avatar
Written by Iliya Yordanov
Updated over a week ago

Table view allows you to see more transactions at once, along with more information about each transaction. It's a row and column-based layout that you might be familiar with if you ever used any spreadsheet application such as Excel, Numbers or Calc. Not only you can see more of your transactions at the same time but you can also re-arrange the columns and hide some of them to make it look exactly the way you want. It's truly the interface you need when you need to do some serious finance work. Let's take a closer look!

Table view is available for MoneyWiz for Mac and iPad. To switch to table view, look for it's button in the top area of an account or budget:

Once you click it, MoneyWiz will switch to table view and that button will change its icon to indicate that you can return to simple row view at any time. You'll also be shown a row and column-based layout of your transactions. The column on the far left, the one with a check mark (βœ“) represents whether the transaction is reconciled or not, while the "Status" column represents the transaction status (learn more in article about filters). The remaining columns have more self-explanatory labels.

In order to edit a transaction on iPad, just tap on it. On Mac, this just selects the transaction instead. To edit a transaction on Mac, you need to double-click on it. There are a couple of actions you can take while in table view, that are unique to this interface:

  • to re-order the columns you see, place your mouse or finger on the header label, tap and hold and then drag to desired position,

  • to hide or show a column, bring up the contextual menu while pointing at any column header. You'll be shown a list of available columns to choose from,

  • you can sort by data stored in some of the columns – just click on the column header. To learn more, review the article on sorting,

  • to navigate the list using just your keyboard, use up/down arrow keys and Enter/Return to bring up transaction for edit.

Remember that even though table view is unique, you still have access to features such as reconcile mode, bulk-edit or using the contextual menu on individual transactions.

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