Apple iCloud/iTunes iOS backup automatically backs up your iOS data, including application-specific information (which includes MoneyWiz database). This might come in handy if you need to restore an earlier state of your database file.
This Apple document explains how to enable and use iCloud/iTunes backup. If you are not using MoneyWiz Cloud by SYNCbits to sync your data, restoring to an earlier backup is all you need to do.
If you are using SYNCbits to sync your data, there are few extra steps:
Restore your device from an iCloud/iTunes backup. Do not launch MoneyWiz yet!
Turn on Airplane mode on your device to disconnect from Internet.
Launch MoneyWiz and verify that correct data got restored.
De-sync your database as explained in this guide (second section, the part about de-sync).
It's now safe to disable Airplane mode.
Please write to us via e-mail, pointing to this article, confirming that you have completed steps 1-6 and request your sync account to be deleted.
Once we confirm your account deletion, please go to sync section of the app again and then select Sign Up and fill out the form.
Once the account is created, if you are using MoneyWiz on other devices, it is critically important to completely reinstall MoneyWiz on them first before you sign back into them.